It is still a ways to go with SOL testing and all of the events before the end of the year, but here is the schedule for the end of the year theme days!
Let’s make the last few days of school super fun with some theme days! Don’t go out and
buy anything. Be creative and use what you have!
Monday, May 13, 2024- Tie-Dye Day
● Wear any of your tie-dye today!
Tuesday, May 14, 2024-Wacky Hair Day
● If you don’t want to have wacky hair, feel free to wear a hat of your
Wednesday, May 15, 2024- Beach Day
● Wear sunglasses, hats, tropical clothes, or leis. (NO bathing suits)
Thursday, May 16, 2024-DisneyDay
● Wear Disney shirts, Mickey ears, or anything Disney themed!
Friday, May 17, 2024- Field Day
● Level Up T-Shirts- Each grade level will wear their Level Up shirt. If
your student does not have their Level Up school shirt, they are
welcome to wear another shirt that is the same color as their grade
level shirt.
- Kindergarten: Green
- First Grade: Yellow
- Second Grade: Blue
- Third Grade: Orange
-Fourth Grade: Purple
-Fifth Grade: Red
Monday, May 20, 2024- Swap Places Day!
● Students dress like teachers, and teachers dress like students on this
Tuesday, May 21, 2024-Decade Day
● Pick any decade (50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, or 90’s) and have a great time
remembering the fashions of the era.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024- Last Day of School- Energize/ Exercise Day!
● Early Release Day-Wear comfy/ workout clothes so we can get
energized and ready to start summer