📚✨ Celebrating Literacyl! ✨📚
Our amazing Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP) students from Waynesboro High School recently had a heartwarming experience as they visited Wayne Hills Center to share the joy of reading with younger students. 🏫👧👦

It's time to order graduation supplies for our class of 2024! Go to www.HJVirginia.com and order by 12/1 to take advantage of early bird pricing.

Take a peek into the recent "Lights Out AfterSchool" event hosted by our incredible partners, On the Road Collaborative!
On the Road Collaborative plays a vital role in providing afterschool programming at Waynesboro High School and Kate Collins Middle School. We are immensely grateful for their dedication and the positive impact they are making on our students' lives.

Tomorrow, our Competition Cheer Squad travels to Richmond to compete in the state competition for the first time since 2014! We are so very proud of this team for achieving this milestone while overcoming many, many obstacles this season and we are asking that if you have a few minutes at 8:00 am tomorrow, to line Main Street in Waynesboro to see them off.

Hello WHS Families! Reminder that we offer FREE tutoring for high school students in the WHS library on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school from 3:30-4:30. Teachers from all subject areas are present and eager to help! Students are encouraged to attend if they have work to catch up on, missing assignments, tests to study for, need homework help, and/or if they're struggling in a class and need assistance. Transportation home is now available Tuesdays and Thursdays. No sign-up required; come and go as needed!

We have fixed the bugs in the Registration for activities. To register your student-athlete for Winter and Spring sports, please go to the Waynesboro High School webpage, click on Menu, then the "Athletics" button, and at the bottom of the page click on "WHS Athletic Registration." Find the "Activity Registration" button and follow the instructions. You must have this completed before tryouts begin. Please do not forget that a valid Physical Form must be turned in to participate in tryouts. If you have any questions, please email Waynesboro High School Activities Director.

🎉🥇 Big Cheers to our Waynesboro High School Cross Country Team! 🥇🎉
We're thrilled to announce that they've clinched the title of District Champs. 🏆🏃♂️🏃♀️
Congratulations to our dedicated athletes, coaches, and the entire Cross Country team for their hard work and determination. Your victory is well-deserved! 👏👟💙
#WaynesboroHighSchool #CrossCountryChamps #Victory #Dedication

Check out the Waynesboro Education Farm (WEF) Newsletter by clicking the link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFwseB4EuQ/JDDMwd8wT7URE6nNHxEpYg/view?utm_content=DAFwseB4EuQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

For any WHS student wishing to participate in winter and spring sports:
To register your student athlete for Winter and Spring sports please go to the Waynesboro High School webpage, click on menu, "athletics" button, and at the bottom of the page click on "WHS Athletic Registration." Find the "Activity Registration" button and follow the instructions. You must have this completed before tryouts begin. Please do not forget that a valid Physical Form must be turned in to participate in tryouts. Thank you!

Homecoming tickets are currently on sale and must be purchased by the end of the day tomorrow (Friday 10/6). If students are bringing an outside guest, they must have the guest permission form completed with verification of their good standing at their home school.
Homecoming tickets will NOT be sold at the door.
New this year - students can purchase their tickets with a debit or credit card! Tickets can be purchased outside the cafeteria during morning arrival and at lunch.

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, October 10th from 10:30am to 7:00pm. We encourage all WHS parents to sign up for times to speak with their child's teachers.
We will be offering conferences in-person, via Zoom, or via phone call.
You can schedule your times using the link below.

We are thrilled to share the captivating moments from the recent African American Heritage and Multicultural Festival i🎥🥳
Our community came together in a dazzling display of unity, culture, and diversity
Click the link to witness the beauty of our rich heritage and the joy of multicultural connections in motion. 📽️❤️
Let's keep the spirit alive and vibrant! 🎶 Mark your calendars and plan to join us next year for another unforgettable celebration of our shared heritage and multicultural mosaic. 🗓️🌟

Today, we want to give a big shoutout to the incredible IT professionals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure our school division runs smoothly.
From keeping our networks secure to troubleshooting tech hiccups in classrooms, you are the unsung heroes of our educational journey. Your dedication and expertise make learning possible in this digital age.
Thank you for your hard work, innovation, and commitment. We couldn't do it without you!

Corey Alexander host basketball clinic at Waynesboro High School.
Click to read full article:https://newsvirginian.com/sports/high-school/cory-alexander-hosts-basketball-clinic-at-waynesboro-high-school/article_da600ff2-505f-11ee-8136-838f14506ef5.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=email&utm_campaign=user-share

On the Road Collaborative awarded $8k grant from Rotary Club of Waynesboro.
Click to read the full article: https://augustafreepress.com/news/on-the-road-collaborative-awarded-8k-grant-from-rotary-club-of-waynesboro/

🎶 Get ready to groove to the beat at the Multicultural Festival! 🌟 We've got an amazing lineup of talented performers from around the world bringing you the best in music and dance. 🌍 Don't miss out on this unforgettable musical journey! 🎵

🌟 Join us at the Multicultural Festival! 🌍 Visit our school's tent for a world of fun activities and celebrate diversity with us! 🎉

News Report; Students Manage Fresh Produce Market in Waynesboro. View the full story here: https://www.whsv.com/2023/09/07/students-manage-fresh-produce-market-waynesboro/

There is a College and Career Fair being hosted at Stuarts Draft High School on Wednesday, Sept 20th from 6:00-7:30pm. It is open to ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND FAMILIES for FREE! Juniors and Seniors are highly encouraged to attend.
There will be over 60 representatives from colleges, universities, military and local businesses. Whether your student plans to attend college, join the military or enter the workforce after high school, this is a GREAT opportunity.
Be sure to RSVP using the QR code on the event flyer attached in order to easily and safely share your info with colleges and universities.
FREE SHUTTLE - There is an opportunity for a free shuttle from WHS to SDHS for students AND families, based on interest. The shuttle will leave WHS at 5:45pm to head to SDHS. It will leave SDHS at 7:15pm to return back to WHS. IF YOU PLAN ON UTILIZING THIS FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS GOOGLE FORM SO WE CAN GAUGE INTEREST AND PLAN ACCORDINGLY!
If you have a child in your family that is still in a car seat, you will need to provide your own transportation, as riding the shuttle bus would not be the safest option for your family. All students and families are welcome to drive themselves to the event, and arrive and leave whenever they would like.
We hope to see Giant Nation show up and take advantage of this GREAT opportunity! Students can come find me at the event for a small prize. 😊
Beth Burdick, Career Coach
Kalina Zizulka, College Advisor

Check out the Article "Harvest Time: Kate Collins Middle's Student Run Market Open Thursday Afternoons.