Good Standing

Hello WHS families. 

On time, regular attendance is one of the biggest factors affecting students and their academic success.  Chronically absent students (those missing 10% or more of the days we have been in school for any reason) are less likely to maintain adequate grades and progress toward graduation.  

In your email, and on the WHS website, you will find information regarding how chronic absenteeism affects a student's Good Standing at Waynesboro High School, how it affects opportunities for extracurricular activities such as prom, activities, and athletics, as well as how students "earn back" missed time at school to work their way back into Good Standing.

Should your student find themselves not in Good Standing due to attendance, we encourage them to attend Giant University on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30-5:00.  Students can earn back one missed day of school for every three hours they spend at Giant University.

As always, should you have any questions, please reach out to us at Waynesboro High School.

Click HERE to learn more about Good Standing at Waynesboro High School