Waynesboro City School Board

Governance Norms & Protocols

We agree to employ the following norms in all our interactions: 

We will hear each opinion, but ultimately act as one. We will speak candidly and  courteously to each other and listen to dissenting or different viewpoints with an open  mind. We will help each other to depersonalize disagreements. Once we reach a  decision or compromise as a board, we will each support the will of the board in word  and deed. 

The chairman (or designee) will speak as the official voice of the board. A single  board member will not represent the board without the consent of the board. Board  members making personal statements (in any format, including speeches, articles, social  media posts, etc.) should clearly state that these statements are their opinion and not  the position of the board. As a courtesy, board members will communicate with the  school board chair and the Superintendent when any invitations to speak are received if  invited in the capacity of an elected official or a topic relevant to school board matters. 

We will be mindful of the different roles and responsibilities throughout the school  system and maintain a focus on policy and governance. We will be focused on our  work as a board and not interfere with the day-to-day operations of the school  system, which is the responsibility of the superintendent who serves as the  subject-matter expert.  

We will be aware of the different roles that we play as individuals (board member,  citizen, parent, etc.).  

We will maintain open communication with each other and the administration.  Information shared with one board member will be shared with all members. If  considerable work or time is required to generate data, the full board must endorse the  request.